The first plane
brothers Rusjan constructed. People from Gorizia called
it "dangerous
trap toy". The plane had been constructed in their
house's court,
in Cappella street nr 8.
The first plane
constructed by them was a lesson for Eduardo...
Eduardo Rusjan
was flying in Merna's fields and also bought a big
space to leave
his plane inside. On 6th December he was able to do a
real flight,
at 50 km/hour and which lasted 15 minutes. This plane was
the first he
constructed and then he constructed 9 other planes in one
year. In total,
he projected and constructed 12 airplanes. After his death,
in a flight accident
on January 9, 1911, in Belgrade, 3 other planes were
constructed by
his brother Josip and Mikajlo Mercep, a manufacturer
from Zagabria.